Friday, Feb. 21st we took time to reflect on 2019 as well as recognize our Apollo Team for the amazing things they accomplished last year!
This year we had 9 Million Dollar Club Producers. The Million Dollar club was originated by NAR in 1961 to honor members demonstrating the commitment and dedication to rise to the top of their profession. This Club requires working days, nights, and weekends and is unique in that all the work is done, all the negotiations settled, all concerns met, and all the papers signed, long before the REALTOR is compensated.
CONGRATS TO Gina Caccamo, Marion Hernberg, Fran DiPasquale, Vicki Chambers, Tim Sparks, Pam King, Susie Fricker, Jeff Doescher & Jane Vester!!!
Also, Congrats to Fran DiPasquale for who was Awarded Top Producer 2019 and Tim Sparks for Leading Property Manager 2019!
We would also like to recognize Julie Cloney, Steven Hardiek, Lisa Walters Huff, Heidi Hughes, Anita Martin, Jerry Shafer, Elana Whitehead! Thank you for your contributions to the team, with your presence and ever ending desire to LEARN!